We welcome everyone, regardless of age, tradition, or background, to join us at the altar rail for the Eucharist.
We celebrate Rite II of the Episcopal liturgy at our regular Sunday services at 8 and 10 a.m. each Sunday, with slight changes of schedule for major holy days, such as Easter and Christmas and with occasional special alternate liturgies. The 8 a.m. service is a spoken service; the 10 a.m. service is a musical service, with hymns and organ.
What to expect during service
As you enter the sanctuary, an usher will greet you and provide a service leaflet, which serves as a guide for the day’s worship. You’ll find the readings and spoken prayers within, or you can follow along in the Book of Common Prayer—the smaller red book in each pew. Hymns are located in the Hymnal, the larger red book in the pews. If you have any questions, a member of our Vestry, our lay leadership, will be available to assist you before the service begins.
You’ll notice the active participation of lay members in our worship service, including acolytes, lectors, chalice bearers, and ushers. Occasionally, we also welcome guest preachers. During the school year, children from church school will join us just before the Peace, a time when the congregation shares joyful greetings with one another.
We welcome everyone, regardless of age, tradition, or background, to join us at the altar rail for the Eucharist. If you prefer, you may receive a blessing instead. To receive communion, place one open hand on top of the other to receive the bread; you may sip from the chalice or dip your bread into the wine. If you’d like to receive a blessing, simply cross your arms over your chest. Gluten-free wafers are available upon request—just ask the priest quietly.
If you’re unsure of any part of the service, feel free to ask someone nearby for help. We want everyone to feel welcome and to fully experience the beauty and holiness of our prayers and the Eucharist. If you’re confused during the service, please ask a neighbor to help you; we’d like everyone to experience the beauty and holiness of the prayers and the Eucharist.
Children at Service
We warmly welcome everyone—including the youngest members of our community—at our worship services. Babies and toddlers are always welcome to stay with their families in the sanctuary. We cherish the sights and sounds of our littlest parishioners.
Nursery care is not currently available during the Sunday church services, but children, including babies, are always welcome in church.