As Century Celebration planning began, committee co-chair Chris
Stockwell had the vision for a book detailing St. Andrew’s history.
A team of writers and editors joined Chris, and the result—The
Wyman Memorial Church of St. Andrew—has now been published
and is available. Each chapter is focused on a period of our history,
with the final chapter summarizing our Century Celebration year.
If you enjoyed the photo displays of the past year, you’ll also enjoy
seeing some of those photos in print form in the book.

Pick up your copy at the church at any time! We suggest a donation of $15, with funds to go to our outreach ministries.
Many thanks to writers Chris Stockwell, Elizabeth Muller, and Nat Wysor; to writer and editor Richard Stratton; to photo selector Penny Stratton, who also coordinated the project with the publisher; and to all those who contributed short essays, memories, and photos. Thanks also to Clyde, who provided oversight and encouragement, and to Frances Stith Nilsson, archivist at St. Michael’s, who provided historical records.