We offer a variety of opportunities for adults to deepen their spiritual journey—not only through Sunday worship but also through meaningful discussions with our clergy and fellow parishioners.

Dining Disciples
When: View in CHIMES Newsletter
The Dining Disciple program began years ago with the purpose of getting to know others in the parish beyond the peace gesture at church. Breaking bread with one another is a terrific way to do this. When underway, small groups of parishioners meet several times a year for a potluck, rotating between houses or the parish hall. Babysitting is often facilitated to encourage families with young children to also participate. Two to three times a year, all groups gather at the parish hall for community dessert, offering another opportunity to connect with more people in the parish. To find out if Dining Disciples is underway or how to participate, contact the parish office or email Janine Glabicky.
Adult Forum
When: Most Sundays
Join us between services for enriching conversations and reflections.
Gospel Reflections Bible Study
When: Tuesdays, 9:30-10:30 a.m.
Join us for warm fellowship and great discussions as we explore each week’s upcoming Gospel. Come every week or once in a while–whatever suits you best! Questions? Contact Margaret Eckman.
Lenten Book Discussion & Soup Supper
When: During Lent
We offer a book-based discussion series, beginning with a simple soup supper. This program is often held in partnership with other Marblehead parishes.
“This Magic Moment” Memory Café
When: Alternate Tuesdays, 11 am
Memory cafés provide a judgment-free zone for those with memory loss and their caregivers. Join us via Zoom for a fun, engaging online activity and a chance to make new friends. Contact Lyn Brennan to register (or call 978-273-2501).
Coffee Cups
When: Second Saturday 8:30-9:30 am
Informal conversation and fellowship, open to all. Coffee is provided; bring your own snack.
Men’s Group
When: Monthly on Saturdays
A St. Andrew’s Men’s Group has recently formed. It is open to all men of the church and will be meeting monthly on Saturdays. We will rotate bringing food and having someone start off the meeting. For now we are focusing on forming the group dynamic, but in the future may be planning outings.
St. Andrews around Town
When: Email Pat Hahn to learn more
This is a fellowship group in which an SAATT member invites you to join in an activity. Sign up to be on an email list and get invited when someone is organizing an activity: a walk, movie, coffee, lecture, almost anything. You can also choose to set up an event and invite others to it. You decide what to offer and which invitations you want to accept. The purpose of SAATT is to strengthen the ties within the St. Andrew’s community. (You may bring other guests, too.)