Gallery Events

  • Gallery Exhibit by Swampscott Art Association

    Gallery Exhibit by Swampscott Art Association

    Exhibit open till January 26 Visit the Cloister Gallery to view the artwork. This show includes small works that are available for immediate sale as holiday gifts. Pieces can be bought by contacting the gallery at

  • Exhibit of works by Alexander Gassel

    Exhibit of works by Alexander Gassel

    Exhibit open from from October 13 to December 8 Opening reception October 13 from 11:15 am to 12:30 pm Experience the contemporary paintings of Russian-American artist and designer Alexander Gassel, who blends the avant-garde with traditional Russian iconography and combines ancient symbols with contemporary subjects. Gassel creates surrealist works that reflect his cultural heritage alongside…

  • Works by artists of Little Harbor Studios

    Works by artists of Little Harbor Studios

    May 21-August 27 Little Harbor Studios is a collaborative of 10 local artists. Works created include acrylic, oil, and watercolor art, photography, jewelry making, mosaic art, and print making.  They also offer a variety of art classes and rent usage of a very large printing press. They are located 18 Doaks Lane in Marblehead and are…