“Almighty God, unto whom all hearts are open, all desires known, and from whom no secrets are hid: Cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of thy Holy Spirit, that we may perfectly love thee, and worthily magnify thy holy Name; through Christ our Lord.”
– Book of Common Prayer
Baptism is part of all Christian denominations, but how we understand it can be as different as the expressions of it. At St. Andrews, we understand Baptism to be a commitment to follow Jesus’ teaching of love and openness to God’s Spirit. Babies, children, youth, and adults are all welcome to receive a Baptism. Baptisms take place several times a year during our main Sunday morning service. The parish community pledges our support to the individual and family as they begin or continue their Christian journey.
If you or a loved one are ready to start your faith journey, connect with us to learn more.
Confirmation is how we make a mature affirmation of the commitment made at our baptism to be part of the Church. For those who have been confirmed in other denominations, reception is the mark of one’s desire to be part of the Episcopal Church.
Marriage honors the love and commitment two people have for each other. If you would like to get married at St. Andrews, we will do all we can to ensure that your wedding day is a very happy one and that your marriage begins on the firmest foundations. We are blessed with a beautiful historic chapel, a modern and fully equipped event hall, and a beautifully landscaped campus that offers options for all types of weddings and receptions. You will be invited to make your solemn promises to each other, not only in front of your family and friends but in the sight of God and with God’s blessing. Together, we can create an experience that recognizes the importance of your spiritual bond in a picturesque setting.
If you’re contemplating your “big day,” consider St. Andrews and contact us to find out more.
Funerals and Memorials
The faith community at Saint Andrews’ is honored to offer the hospitality of the church to you in this time of loss and sorrow. It is our privilege to assist you in any way we can. As Christians, we proclaim that in death, life is changed, not ended, and we hope our ministry will help you to move forward with assurance that the person you love has passed through death into new life in God and that in your grief, Christ makes himself present in compassion.
The clergy and staff at St. Andrews are here to support families through those difficult days by helping to plan the funeral or memorial service. If you and your loved ones would like to have pastoral visits or conversations, we are here to support you in that, too.
Contact us
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