Get Involved

St. Andrew’s offers a variety of opportunities for service. We each have something of value to give, and we each have a mission in God’s world that no one else can perform. This list includes only some of the volunteer opportunities available to interested parishioners; unless noted otherwise, contact the parish office (781-631-4951) for further details.

Worship Ministries
Acolytes: Assist clergy and parishioners.
Altar Guild: Prepare Sanctuary for worship.
Chalice Bearers: Help administer Holy Communion during the service.
Lay Readers: Read lessons and prayers during services.
Distribute leaflets, assist parishioners, and receive financial offerings at Sunday and other services.
Choir: Sing Sundays at 10:00, September-May, at special services, and on festival occasions.  Contact Mary Jodice.
St. Andrew’s Choristers (youth choir): Sing on occasional Sundays. Contact Mary Jodice.
Lay Eucharistic Ministers: Administer communion at homes and hospitals.

Education Ministries
Church School: Teach or co-teach Church School sessions; substitute teach; coordinate service projects; organize special events.
Adult Education: Help with adult education retreats, forums, courses, and other educational programs.
Parish Library: Maintain our collection of books, videos, and pamphlets.
Nonfiction Book Group: Participate in book discussions once a month. Contact Bonnie Howard.

Fellowship Ministries
Hospitality: Prepare and serve beverages and refreshments after the 10:00 service.
Parish Fellowship: Plan, prepare, and supervise regular and special events.
Rummage Sale: Sort, cook, bake, price, collect cash, clean up, etc., at one of our twice-yearly sales.
Lay Weeders: Help keep St. Andrew’s grounds tidy and attractive by participating in group gardening events.
Office Helpers: Collate, fold, and mail the newsletter and other parish-wide mailings.

Pastoral Ministries
Pastoral Care: Visit homebound and hospital-bound parishioners, or others whom the parish likes to remember.
Eucharistic Visitation/Home Communions: Bring and administer the Holy Eucharist to parishioners in their homes, at hospitals, and in nursing homes.
Transportation: Help transport others to church or to other events or locations.

Outreach Ministries
Beloved Community Team: Join in conversation and activities with this group from St. Andrew’s and St. Stephen’s in Lynn as we work on issues around racism and social injustice. Read more
Essex County Community Organization (ECCO): Work with parishioners from other churches and leaders of community organizations to develop winning strategies to address issues related to affordable housing, job training, youth development, etc. Read more
SPUR: Help with the Community Roots Garden on St. Andrew’s grounds or participate in other activities initiated by this local organization. Read more