Parish Life

prepping for the rummage sale

The arts of hospitality, conversation, camaraderie, and fellowship are active at St. Andrew’s, giving our parish a strong feel of welcome, nurture, and intimacy. All members of the parish are invited to participate in, and to help plan and implement, fellowship, outreach, worship-related, educational events and programs, and other activities. (Please also stay tuned to The Chimes and to other announcements for impromptu gatherings and events.)

Weekly activities 
Sunday morning coffee hours, following the 10 a.m. service each Sunday

Monthly activities 
Book group: discussion of a nonfiction title, at a parishioner’s house
Poetry night: Poetry readings and discussions on Saturdays in the Guild Room

Annual activities 
Welcome-Back Barbecue, first Sunday after Labor Day
St. Nicholas Night: children’s activities, potluck, and carol sing, first Sunday of December
Toy Sale each December
Mardi Gras celebration, each Shrove Tuesday
Lenten Supper and Forum Series
Maundy Thursday Simple Supper

Occasional activities 
Rummage sale, each April/May and October, with Preview Party the Thursday preceding the sale
Picnics and potlucks